Evolution is just a theory

I woke up with terrible sinus pressure this morning, and I’m functioning in a bit of a fog. I had a post planned for today, but can’t think straight enough to finish it. But then I ran across Mindful Digressions’ post. This one is good. One day (hopefully soon) I’ll add my own thoughts onContinue reading “Evolution is just a theory”

I was afraid I’d be excommunicated

This is for you, brother Gallagher A few weeks ago, I was having a conversation with an LDS friend about this blog.  I told him I wanted to publish a blog about my political point of view and how it affects me as a member in the church.  He thought it was a great idea, andContinue reading “I was afraid I’d be excommunicated”

We Need A Little Thanksgiving

November is a beautiful time of year! Being thankful is better than all of the Christmas gifts put together because you are reminded of all of the gifts you already have. I have decided that just as we devote a whole month to Christmas, we really need to devote a whole month to Thanksgiving. So this month’sContinue reading “We Need A Little Thanksgiving”